Private Class – 10 Sessions Package

Categories: BIPA, Private Class
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About Course

Are you new to bahasa Indonesia or need a refresher? Then this course will help you get all the fundamentals of speaking bahasa Indonesia, the basics and ending the course by a lot of exercise ( end goal ).
Knowing bahasa Indonesia will give you a life changing opportunity. Learning Indonesian can have advantages to socializing with its people. Indonesia is a very diverse country, each province has a different culture, tourist attractions, and even local languages. Knowing how to speak in Indonesia will help you to negotiate in the traditional market and communicate with the local people. Hence, you can go to many tourist attractions in Indonesia.
There is no limit to what you can do with knowledge in bahasa Indonesia. Bahasa Indonesia is considered easy to learn Indonesian. No tenses, different pronunciation, difficult grammar, etc. There is a lot of absorbed vocabulary from other languages, which will help you to remember faster. You could be like a native only in a year! It will give you SUPER POWERS in the Indonesian job market place.
With a population of 273.5 million, Indonesia is such a huge market for any business industry because of the stability of the economy and the consumptive habits of the people. Besides, it is well-known as the home of startups including e-commerce, EdTech, HealthTech, and many more. By learning Indonesian, we can know more about the potential product, customer needs, customer behavior, etc. Apart from that, 9.1 million Indonesians are going abroad. If you want to get Indonesian hearts to buy your product, learning Indonesian would be the perfect choice for you. 
Oh, and there is more 🙂
You could make a profit by being social media influencer. Indonesian people spend around 3 hours a day on social media and there are 19.1 million social media users until January 2022. If you create social media content using Indonesian language then you can get famous and profile especially by being a Youtuber. One of them is Nick Molodysky (, a famous food & cooking video blogger from Sydney who has been learning Indonesian since he was in elementary school. Nick shares Indonesian food recipes through his video and, interestingly, he uses Indonesian language to make the content. 
Our Approach Suggestion
Practice, practice and more practice. Every section inside this course has a practice lecture at the end, reinforcing everything with went over with our specialized lectures. I also created a small exercise the you will be able to exercise to help you practice bahasa Indonesia. To top it off, we will ( end goal ).

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What Will You Learn?

  • Understand the basic fundamentals of bahasa Indonesia ( perkenalan diri, ekspresi perasaan, kosakata sehari-hari dll )
  • Understanding the principle to mengucapkan ekspresi perasaan, pengalaman dll
  • Learn to understand teks yang panjang dan rumit
  • Learn to mengungkapkan gagasan dengan sudut pandang dalam topik yang beragam
  • Understanding makna tersirat dan makna tersurat dari sebuah kalimat
  • Learn to deliver ideas yang jelas, terstruktur, sistematis, dan terperinci secara spontan dan lancar
  • Improve vocabulary kosakata sering kamu temukan di percakapan sehari - hari

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