Intensive Tata Bahasa Class – 20 Sessions – Private Class

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Grammar is a fundamental part of language. It covers a wide range of topics, such as sentence structure and affixes. Indonesian is known for its non-grammar, but the main key to easily mastering Indonesian language, especially for speaking skills, is to learn and strengthen your understanding of Indonesian grammar. Confused, right? So it works like this…….

Although Indonesian is considered a language with minimal grammar rules, grammar still matters and can simplify casual speech. For example, the root word “tonton” becomes “menonton” (to watch) when the prefix “me(N)-” is added according to Indonesian grammar rules. In informal speech, Indonesians commonly use “nonton.” Additionally, there are other forms derived from “tonton,” like “penonton” (viewer) and “mempertontonkan” (to showcase), which follow different grammatical rules.

In this program, you will learn Indonesian grammar, including prefixes, suffixes, word structures, and both active and passive sentences. Moreover, you will learn the casual version of Indonesian which will bring more variety to the world of grammar that often confuses students who learn it. With a better understanding of Indonesian grammar, it will be easier for you to understand other aspects of Indonesian.

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What Will You Learn?

  • All Indonesian grammar includes Men(N)-kan & Me(N)-i, pen(N) & per-an, ber-an & ber-kan, and many more! Enroll to explore all of it!
  • Learn how to create a correct Indonesian language structure.
  • The mindset of Indonesian people in making sentences.
  • Practice in creating long and complex sentences and abstract phrases to make the language sound more natural.

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