Compound words in Indonesian language

A compound word is a combination of basic words. According to the rules of the Indonesian language, these word combinations have the status of words with special phonological, grammatical and semantic patterns. Compound words can also be made by adding a suffix to a word that has a prefix. Almost all compound words are formed by adding a prefix and a suffix.

According to the website of Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemdikbud), word combinations have three important elements, namely

Word combinations that can form new words are combinations of compound words with basic words.

For example:
ekstra + kurikuler atau pra + sejarah.
extra + curricular or pre + history.

A compound word is a combination of a base word with another base word that creates a new meaning.


rumah sakit, meja makan, tumpang tindih.

hospital, dining table, overlap.

A combination of words that forms a phrase is a combination of two or more words that is not predicative in nature.


rambut panjang, gunung tinggi, rumah besar.

long hair, high mountain, big house.

Also, word combinations, including technical terms, are written separately. 

Example 1:
Sewaktu bertamasya ke kebun binatang, kami membeli banyak cendera mata
When we went to the zoo, we bought lots of souvenirs. 

The word ‘cendera mata’ is a combination of words, commonly called a compound word.

That’s how you can combine words to make a new word. Don’t get it wrong and keep practising!

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