About US

Hello, We Are BasaBasa

BasaBasa Learning Centre was established with a great desire to provide high quality, standardised and modern BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia for Foreign Speakers) teaching and learning materials worldwide. By combining digital media, creativity and the richness of the Indonesian language, BasaBasa provides a variety of learning services to make it easier for learners to master the Indonesian language.


Provide centralised and globally standardised BIPA materials in line with technological developments and current issues.


Provide professional quality learning environment and support learning process of all BIPA students and teachers in Indonesia and worldwide through modern media and relevant topics.

With our experienced and engaging teachers, we provide relevant and latest teaching materials are specifically for you. Our method on combining study materials and learning media make you having unforgettable yet enjoyable learning journey. Also, our multicultural aware team always facilitates your needs related to BasaBasa to make sure you to take joy in your learning endavour.


Jl. Demangan Kidul GK I/24, Yogyakarta, 55221 Jam Operasional: 8.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. Mon - Sun

Telephone: +62 812 3293 2202

General Enquiries: halo@basabasa.id

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